
Showing posts from 2020

Navy arms first new Flight III destroyer with next-gen weapons : FOX NEWS

Parler CEO: Idea behind app is free speech, privacy and data sovereignty : FOX NEWS

Oracle moving from California to Texas, joins Tesla, Hewlett Packard : FOX NEWS

Amazon just started sharing your internet connection with your neighbors : FOX NEWS

Facebook sued over alleged antitrust violations : FOX NEWS

North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein on Facebook antitrust suits : FOX NEWS

Last-minute tech gifts to finish up your Christmas shopping : FOX NEWS

Hemingway: 'Corrupt media' meddled in election by suppressing Hunter Biden story : FOX NEWS

How the media, Big Tech tried to suppress Hunter Biden story : FOX NEWS

Twitter censoring Hunter Biden story gave other media outlets 'permission' to play down allegations: Tammy Bruce : FOX NEWS

Sen. Johnson: Media interfered more in election than Russia or China : FOX NEWS

Why is Big Tech desperate to destroy election fraud evidence? : FOX NEWS

Tucker: Big Tech trying to erase history through mass censorship : FOX NEWS

US Marines can now attack from aircraft carriers with F-35C stealth fighters : FOX NEWS

How the Army’s new light tank and combat vehicles were born : FOX NEWS

Researchers find credit card 'skimmers' inside social media buttons : FOX NEWS

Navy wants to go 'way faster' adding laser weapons to warships : FOX NEWS

Millions of smart devices vulnerable to hacking: research : FOX NEWS

Former DC detective on Alexis Sharkey's death: 'It's only a matter of time before an arrest is made' : FOX NEWS

Air Force accelerates F-35 as war-attack 'sensor node' : FOX NEWS

Wi-Fi slow? Best ways to fix Wi-Fi problems : FOX NEWS

Trump has ‘completely exposed’ biases in mainstream media: Rob Smith : FOX NEWS

DOJ suing Facebook for hiring foreign immigrants over American workers : FOX NEWS

15 affordable tech gifts you’ll want to buy for yourself, too : FOX NEWS

5 safe shopping tips for the holidays from experts : FOX NEWS

Your stolen credit card may end up here : FOX NEWS

Navy littoral combat ship is now armed for attack with Hellfire missiles : FOX NEWS

Neera Tanden has no chance of being confirmed: Sen. Cotton : FOX NEWS

FBI warns of new coronavirus email auto-forwarding scam : FOX NEWS

New Special Operations light attack vehicle will fire lasers : FOX NEWS

News of Biden’s injury was slow to come out : FOX NEWS

Air Force improves 'human performance' metrics in Special Warfare training : FOX NEWS

Big Tech has shown a ‘consistent hostility’ towards the center-right: Karl Rove : FOX NEWS

Trump slams ‘corrupt’ media, Big Tech : FOX NEWS

Air Force arms classic B-1B bomber with hypersonic weapons : FOX NEWS

Pentagon seeks to defend a new generation of cyberattacks : FOX NEWS

15 great tech gifts for everyone on your list : FOX NEWS

Tesla semi-truck will go 621 miles per charge : FOX NEWS

Amazon faces backlash over privacy concerns : FOX NEWS

5 ways to boost your iPhone’s signal strength : FOX NEWS

Dennis Prager on Big Tech censorship: Twitter is the ‘worst, thuggish’ : FOX NEWS

No, Judges Don’t Overturn Elections Because of isolated Irregularities

How Fake Reviews Hurt Us and Amazon

How Sidney Powell inaccurately cited Venezuela’s elections as evidence of U.S. fraud.

How Sidney Powell inaccurately cited Venezuela’s elections as evidence of U.S. fraud.

No, the Army didn’t seize a German server showing a Trump landslide.

Local officials rebut 3 dead-voter claims by the Trump campaign.

G.O.P. officials refused to certify Michigan ballots over issues that are fairly common.

Election misinformation often evaded YouTube’s efforts to stop it.

Local officials rebut 3 dead-voter claims by the Trump campaign.